window.onload = initWindow; // If set that means that OTP was requested during logon routine. var otpRequest = null; var localeInfo = {}; function initWindow() { logonForm.userNameInput.focus(); logonForm.passwordInput.focus(); logonForm.userNameInput.focus(); } function doLogon() { ///Handles client side of logon procedure. if (otpRequest) { submitOtp(); return; } try { // Take ActiveX component by it's ID. var localeInfoProvider = localeinfoproviderObj; localeInfo.ShortDateFormat = localeInfoProvider.ShortDateFormat; localeInfo.Use12HourFormat = (localeInfoProvider.TimeFormat.indexOf("H") < 0); localeInfo.DecimalPoint = convertUnicodeSeparator(localeInfoProvider.DecimalPoint); localeInfo.ThousandSeparator = convertUnicodeSeparator(localeInfoProvider.ThousandSeparator); localeInfo.DigitsGrouping = localeInfoProvider.DigitsGrouping; localeInfo.DigitsAfterDecimal = new Number(localeInfoProvider.DigitsAfterDecimal); } catch (e) { // Failings related to LocaleInfoProvider are not critical and logon can proceed with them. Cast.Logging.logException(e, 'LocaleInfoProvider: '); } // Validate username and password. var username = logonForm.userNameInput.value.trim(); var password = logonForm.passwordInput.value.trim(); if (username.length === 0) { // Language must be explicitly provided here. alert("Please enter a user name."); logonForm.userNameInput.focus(); return; } if (password.length === 0) { alert("Please enter a password.");; return; } try { $("#submitButton").prop("disabled", true); // Clear logon status. $("#logonStatus").text(); var language = logonForm.languageSelect.value; // Obtain information about logon procedure. var logonParams = getLogonParams(); if (logonParams.useAuthServer) { var passwordRequest = initializeTwoStepLogon(username); var encodedPassword = Cast.LoginPassword.encodePassword( password, passwordRequest.encodingType, passwordRequest.encodingParams); // The only case when something is returned here is when OTP is requested. otpRequest = finishTwoStepLogon( passwordRequest.routineId, username, encodedPassword, passwordRequest.encodingType, passwordRequest.passwordRequestId, language, localeInfo); if (otpRequest) { // Show OTP field and hide all others to prevent changes in them. $("#logonStatus").text("One-time password is required."); $("#otpRow").show(); $("#otpInput").focus(); $("#userNameRow").hide(); $("#passwordRow").hide(); $("#languageRow").hide(); $("#submitButton").prop("disabled", false); return; } } else { // Old logon process. doLogonWithoutAuthServer(username, password, language, localeInfo); $("#submitButton").prop("disabled", false); } } catch (error) { $("#submitButton").prop("disabled", false); processServerError(error); } } function submitOtp() { var oneTimePassword = $("#otpInput").val(); if (oneTimePassword.length === 0) { alert("Please enter one-time password."); $("#otpInput").focus(); return; } $("#submitButton").prop("disabled", true); var encodedPassword = Cast.LoginPassword.encodePassword( oneTimePassword, otpRequest.encodingType, otpRequest.encodingParams); var username = logonForm.userNameInput.value.trim(); var language = logonForm.languageSelect.value; try { finishTwoStepLogon( otpRequest.routineId, username, encodedPassword, otpRequest.encodingType, otpRequest.passwordRequestId, language, localeInfo); } catch (error) { processServerError(error); // If OTP is incorrect logon routine ends and should be started again. otpRequest = null; $("#otpRow").hide(); $("#userNameRow").show(); $("#passwordRow").show(); $("#languageRow").show(); $("#otpInput").val(""); $("#passwordInput").val(""); $("#passwordInput").focus(); $("#submitButton").prop("disabled", false); } } function getLogonParams() { var url = getControllerActionUrl("Logon", "Logon", "GetLogonParams"); var result = Cast.RequestManager.postPageDataSync(url); return { useAuthServer: result.UseAuthServerForCastUsers }; } function initializeTwoStepLogon(username) { var data = { Username: username }; var url = getControllerActionUrl("Logon", "Logon", "InitializeTwoStepLogon"); var result = Cast.RequestManager.postPageDataSync(url, data); return { routineId: result.RoutineId, passwordRequestId: result.PasswordRequest.Id, encodingType: result.PasswordRequest.EncodingType, encodingParams: result.PasswordRequest.EncodingParameters }; } function finishTwoStepLogon( routineId, username, encodedPassword, encodingType, passwordRequestId, selectedLanguage, localeInfo) { var data = { RoutineId: routineId, Username: username, EncodedPassword: encodedPassword, EncodingType: encodingType, PasswordRequestId: passwordRequestId, SelectedLanguage: selectedLanguage, LocaleInfo: localeInfo }; // If successful it leads to redirect to CastMain. // It also may lead to redirect to ExpiredPassword page or // when OTP is required it returns PasswordRequest. var url = getControllerActionUrl("Logon", "Logon", "FinishTwoStepLogon"); var result = Cast.RequestManager.postPageDataSync(url, data); if (result && result.PasswordRequest) { return { routineId: result.RoutineId, passwordRequestId: result.PasswordRequest.Id, encodingType: result.PasswordRequest.EncodingType, encodingParams: result.PasswordRequest.EncodingParameters }; } return null; } function doLogonWithoutAuthServer(username, password, selectedLanguage, localeInfo) { var data = { Username: username, Password: password, SelectedLanguage: selectedLanguage, ScreenWidth: window.screen.availWidth, ScreenHeight: window.screen.availHeight, LocaleInfo: localeInfo }; // If successful it leads to redirect to CastMain. // It also may lead to redirect to ExpiredPassword page. var url = getControllerActionUrl("Logon", "Logon", "DoLogonWithoutAuthServer"); return Cast.RequestManager.postPageDataSync(url, data); } function processServerError(error) { if (!(error instanceof Cast.ServiceError)) { // Only if error is not result of ServiceException then it is an actual exception that must be logged as such. $("#logonStatus").text("An unexpected error occurred while processing the request. Contact CQG customer support for assistance."); Cast.Logging.logException(error); return; } var translatedMessage = null; // Error code corresponds to code of ErrorDescriptor that came from the server. switch (error.errorCode) { case 1001: // SessionError.InvalidUserNamePassword translatedMessage = "Logon failed. Please try again"; break; case 1003: // SessionError.ProductAccessDisabled translatedMessage = "Given login is not enabled to use CAST. Contact CQG Customer Support."; break; case 1014: // SessionError.UserIsLockedOut translatedMessage = "User is locked out."; break; case 1015: // SessionError.DisallowedIpAddress translatedMessage = "Logon failed. Connection request from IP address is not allowed"; break; case 1020: // SessionError.TooFrequentLogonAttempts translatedMessage = "Too frequent logon attempts."; break; case 2051: // CommonError.AntiForgeryTokenValidationError translatedMessage = "Application parameters have been modified. Please press F5 or click the Refresh Button."; break; default: } // If corresponding translation is not available show error message as it is. $("#logonStatus").html(translatedMessage || error.message); } function UNIKeyPress() { // 13 is Enter, 9 is Tab. if (event.keyCode === 13 || event.keyCode === 9) {; return false; } return undefined; } function convertUnicodeSeparator(char) { // 160 is nbsp. if (char.charCodeAt(0) === 160) { return " "; } else { return char.charAt(0); } }