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Order menu (Order Ticket)

DAY, GTC (good-till-cancelled), GTD (good-till-date), FAK (fill and kill), FOK (fill or kill), and ICBRG (Iceberg) are the order options.

      DAY is the default. If a DAY order is unfilled at the close of the trading session, it is automatically canceled.

      GTC orders are left open until canceled by the trader.

      GTD orders are left open until the close of the exchange’s trading session on the date the trader specifies.

      FAK orders are used to buy or sell a quantity at a limit price. If the entire order is not immediately filled, the remaining quantity is cancelled.

      FOK orders require that the entire quantity be executed immediately or the order is cancelled.

      ICBRG orders are limit DAY or GTC orders that have both a total quantity and a display quantity that is shown publicly on the order book. These orders must be enabled in preferences.

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