Previously when an account authorization was changed by your FCM, it was necessary to log off and log back on for the changes to take effect. That is no longer necessary.
When an account authorization has been added or removed, the system sends you a message to inform you that the change has occurred.
When an account authorization is added:
• balance and position data for the account becomes available;
• symbols are resolved, so that they reflect current enablement permissions; and
• if the Orders and Positions window displays data for All Accounts, new account data is displayed.
Account Selector and Manual Fills windows must be closed and re-opened to see the newly added account.
When an account authorization is removed:
• trading is disabled for the account, including entering manual fills and reversing and liquidating positions;
• instruments associated with the account are marked as “not enabled;”
• Orders and Positions data for the account is no longer available, and the display indicates the account is not authorized; and
• Account Selector identifies the account as disabled.
If an account is removed while you are in the midst of an account-related task, the system allows you to complete some actions, such as updating trading preferences. Other actions are not allowed, and you will be notified in those cases.
If the removal of an account results in your having no authorized accounts, you receive a message indicating that you will be logged off CQG Trader.