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Order Types and Durations

Order types by exchange: CQG Order Type Matrix

Order Types




Type of order-places-order (OPO) where filling an order triggers a profit target order and a stop loss order OCO.

DOM-Triggered Stop

Market order that is triggered only when the inside market bid/ask quantity falls below the order’s trigger level.

DOM-Triggered Stop Limit

Limit order that is triggered only when the inside market bid/ask quantity falls below the order’s trigger level.

DOM-Triggered Trailing Stop

Combines the features of a DOM-triggered stop and a trailing stop. The stop is triggered when the market trades at the stop price and the resting volume in the order queue drops below a trader-set threshold. Then a market order is placed. The Sell DOM-triggered stop will automatically follow the market higher as the market advances, but not retrace if the market trades lower. The Buy DOM-triggered stop will automatically follow the market down as the market declines, but not move higher if the market trades up.

DOM-Triggered Trailing Stop Limit

Combines the features of a DOM-triggered stop limit and a trailing stop limit. The stop is triggered when the market trades at the stop price and the resting volume in the order queue drops below a trader-set threshold. Then a limit order is placed. The Sell DOM-triggered stop limit will automatically follow the market higher as the market advances, but not retrace if the market trades lower. The Buy DOM-triggered stop limit will automatically follow the market down as the market declines, but not move higher if the market trades up.


Limit day order that has both a total quantity and a display quantity that is shown publicly on the order book.


At a specified price.


At the best available current price.


Multi-part order. If one part of the order is executed, then all other parts are cancelled.


Market order that is triggered when the stop price is hit.

Stop Limit

Limit order that is triggered when the stop price is hit.

Trailing Limit

Tracks the market and automatically adjusts its price level position in the exchange’s order book. For a buy order, as the best bid/offer/trade (depending on your settings) moves up, your order moves up with it based on the trailing offset. When the best bid/trade/offer trade moves down, your order holds. When the best bid/offer/trade matches your order price, the order executes.

Trailing Stop

Adjust their trigger price in concert to the direction of the market on a tick-by-tick basis, initially trailing the market with the same distance to the market price when the order is first placed. The trigger price of a trailing sell stop order automatically steps higher with the market for each up tick, but does not step lower. 

Trailing Stop Limit

Adjusts its trigger price in concert to the direction of the market on a tick-by-tick basis, initially trailing the market with the same distance to the market price when the order is first placed. The trigger price of a trailing sell stop order automatically steps higher with the market for each up tick, but does not step lower. 


Time in Force



Day orders are cancelled at the end of the trading day.

Fill and Kill

FAK orders require that any remaining quantity after a partial fill be cancelled.

Fill or Kill

FOK orders require that the entire quantity be executed immediately or the order is cancelled.


GTC orders are left open until canceled by the trader.


GTD orders are left open until the close of the exchange’s trading session on the date the trader specifies.


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