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Quote Board and Quote Spreadsheet

CQG Trader has two quote displays: Quote Board and Quote Spreadsheet. You choose which display you’d like to use (Setup > Preferences > Quote View).

Quote Board organizes data in rows and symbols in stacked columns:


Quote Spreadsheet organizes symbols in rows and data in columns:



You select the data to display.

When you switch between displays, column settings are not changed. For example, if you have Settlement on Quote Spreadsheet and switch to Quote Board, Settlement is displayed only if it is selected in Quote Board preferences.

Both quote displays have tabbed windows. Changing the display for one tab changes them all, that is, you cannot mix Quote Board tabs and Quote Spreadsheet tabs.

Green text indicates positive net change, while red text indicates negative net change. Black text indicates a net change of zero or unavailable data. Black text can also indicate that the instrument is not enabled for real-time data.

A green underline indicates a new high, while a red underline indicates a new low.


(In rare instances when the instrument state is unavailable, a price is underlined in both red and a green when a single tick is recorded. That tick is considered both the new high and the new low.)

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